
Knoxville Gem and Mineral Society

    The Knoxville Gem and Mineral Society (KGMS) is a nonprofit, educational and scientific interest group that meets monthly on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 P.M. It is a family oriented organization with members from all walks of life who share an interest in studying, collecting, and sharing rocks, minerals and fossils.
    Every year the KGMS puts together a Gem, Mineral and Jewelry Show. The proceeds from the annual show supports a principal goal of the KGMS, which is education. The KGMS provides enrichment programs and educational materials to east Tennessee Schools and scholarships in the Earth Sciences.

Trilobite hunting in Dalton, Georgia
Trilobite hunting in Dalton, Georgia

© Copyright 2019 – Knoxville Gem and Mineral Society, Inc.

To assist in the promotion and education of the earth sciences